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Data & Requirements

Required Data:

The RBDM toolbox utilizes readily available geospatial data. These input data requirements apply only to the USA. Foreign users will need to acquire comparable data:

  1. Streams, Lakes, & Watershed Data: can be found at USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). and The National Map.

  2. Wetlands Data: National Wetlands Inventory (NWI).

  3. gSSURGO Data: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

  4. Elevation Data: The National Map.

  5. Landcover Data: Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics ConsortiumCropScape, and The National Map


* Most of the above-mentioned data can be found at Geospatial Data Gateway (NRCS).


For the model to successfully execute, double-check the following:

  • All feature classes and standalone rasters have the same projected coordinate system and datum. The model does not utilize geographic coordinates. 

  • No spaces or special characters in folder or file names.

  • No spaces or special characters in watershed feature class names. 

  • The GDB must be set up as a File Geodatabase.

  • Delete any watersheds with no overlapping streams network.

Data Preparation:

The RBDM toolbox was developed to utilize open source geospatial data from known sources and accuracies but with different formats. To accurately map variable-width riparian areas, the data preparation and editing steps are critical.

  • Click Here to download the Step by Step Guide to Data Preparation. 

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