Data & Requirements
Required Data:
The RBDM toolbox utilizes readily available geospatial data. These input data requirements apply only to the USA. Foreign users will need to acquire comparable data:
Streams, Lakes, & Watershed Data: can be found at USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). and The National Map.
Wetlands Data: National Wetlands Inventory (NWI).
gSSURGO Data: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Elevation Data: The National Map.
Landcover Data: Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium, CropScape, and The National Map
* Most of the above-mentioned data can be found at Geospatial Data Gateway (NRCS).
For the model to successfully execute, double-check the following:
All feature classes and standalone rasters have the same projected coordinate system and datum. The model does not utilize geographic coordinates.
No spaces or special characters in folder or file names.
No spaces or special characters in watershed feature class names.
The GDB must be set up as a File Geodatabase.
Delete any watersheds with no overlapping streams network.
Data Preparation:
The RBDM toolbox was developed to utilize open source geospatial data from known sources and accuracies but with different formats. To accurately map variable-width riparian areas, the data preparation and editing steps are critical.
Click Here to download the Step by Step Guide to Data Preparation.